If you have Registered for Baseball Camp, we are excited to have your son participate and we are looking forward to a FUN week of camp. Below are some details about the camp. If you would like to register use the following link.
https://forms.gle/oPWJ717pxYwHNE3b6Camp is Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week from 9:00-12:30. Gates open at 8:00 each morning.
Check In: On Monday please arrive sometime before 8:30 to check your son in and make payment. Check in will take place at the concession stand behind home plate. Camp Parking should be in the paved lot.
Payment: $85 Cash, or Credit Cards accepted. If you choose to use a Credit Card we will need to charge a $5 service charge.
Snacks: We will have one break per day for the campers to eat a snack. Feel free to send a snack with them or you can add extra money on your payment at registration and this money goes into the concession bank that our parents will deduct from when your son makes a purchase during break… Example: If you pay $100 at registration. $85 goes to cost of camp and then $15 goes into the concession bank that your son can spend during break. Our parents will keep up with this throughout the week. Also we have six water fountains on site for the players to get water.
Gear: Please mark helmets, bats, gloves, hats, etc.. Any items that are left at camp will be located the next day at the concession stand. Players can wear shorts or baseball pants. Cleats are preferred but the players can wear tennis shoes.
Camp T Shirts: Will be handed out on Wednesday at the end of camp.
Slip and Slide: We will practice sliding on Wednesday at the end of camp. We will stretch out plastic and water it down for the players to slide on. Plan for this to take place around 12:05 Thursday.
Weather: If it looks like we will get rain be on the lookout for an email from me, or on one of our social media sites.
Parents are welcome to hang out and watch the camp.
Again, we are looking forward to a great week of camp!